
BACTERIA-($tudy of term called as Bacteriology)

Bacteria unicellular organism है और prokaryotic cell मौजूद होता है 
Shape में  capsule जेसा होता है 
Prokaryotic cell is 1/10th of eukaryotic cell
Bacterial cell का average size-

जिवाणू शास्त्र  के अनुसार Bacteria का classification ऐसा है ।
1. Morphological (मतलब structure और shape के नुसार अध्ययन करना है)
A. Coccus- इस type का Bacteria oval या sherical shape के होते है।
Monococcus- single cell ही जहाँ मौजूद हो उसे monococcus कहते हैं 
Diplococcus- दो cell जब एक       दूसरे  से attached हो तो diplococcus कहेंगे 
Streptococcus- The proper Arrangements of cocci cell in a cell called as Streptococcus 

Staphylococcus- The in proper or grape like arrangement of cocci cell called as Staphylococcus 

Teracoccus/Terad- The aarangement of cooci is one on one and one side one like square like structure is called terad

Sarcina-  the arrangement of cocci is one on one , one side one and same arrangement in back too are called sarcina

B. Bacillus- it is rod like shaped bacteria 
Bacillus- It is single cell form of bacillus cell know as bacillus

Diplobacillus- whe two bacillus cell are stick together called diplobacillus

Streptobacillus- The arrangement of bacillus cell in chain form called streptobacillus

Staphylobacillus -the arrangement of bacillus cell in irregular manner know as Staphylobacillus or pallisades

CSpiral - it mainly contains comma ,curved shaped bacteria.

2. Toxonomical (classification name order के नुसार या taxonomy के नुसार पाढते है)
3. On basis of respiration 
4. On basis of nutrition 

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