zoletil 50 ( tiletamine and zolazepam) anesthesia,tranquilizers,sedative,cns depressant,benzodiazepine,calmness.

》Brand name -Zoletil 50 (veterinary)

》Mfg company - virbac veterinary.

》Category- sedative cum anesthetics.

》Contains - Total  volume is about 675 mg               free dried powder including 
Tiletamine hcl 125 mg, 
Zolazepan hcl  125 mg.
In specifically the one ml of zoletil containing Tiletamine 25 mg and zolazepan 25mg 

》Main use- it mainly contains anesthetic i.e. tiletamine and 
cns depressant drug i.e. benzodiazepine. To induced calmness in cateand dogs it also used on wild animals as a tranquilizers.

》 Dosage- To dog ☆for test procedures and little pain _7 t0 10 mg per kg Intramuscular and 5 mg per kg intravenously 
☆For minor surgery as a anesthetic of short time of duration_10 to 15 mg IM and 7.5 mg IV.
☆For major surgical procedures_15 to 25 mg IM and 10mg IV
To cat ☆for test procedures and little pain _7 t0 10 mg per kg Intramuscular and 5 mg per kg intravenously 
☆For minor surgery as a anesthetic of short time of duration_10 to 15 mg IM and 7.5 mg IV.
Administered ⅓ to ½ as per intial dose and do not exceed total dose than 25mg per kg

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