Ivel vet ,morvel laboratories(Ivermectin)

Introduction  it is Anthelmintics used for Deworming ecto-endo parasites and available in parentral liquid form.

MFG- Morvel  laboratories (Ivel Vet Injection)

Ingredients Including 1. Ivermectin 1%w/v

uses that treat various worm internal as well as external worm infection-(अंतः तथाबाहरी जंंतुुुनाशक), it also effectively kills ticks,lice,mites,mosquito-(कीड़े,मच्छर,मक्खी)

Worm infection Cause-  Due to rotten food -(सडा गला खाने से)
Unhygienic feed- (पचने में कठिन खाना खिलाने से)
Dirty water drinking- (पशु के गंधा पानी पीने से)
unhygienic conditions of animals-(गंदगीसे), due to insect ,mosquito,ticks,lice,mites-(कीड़े,मच्छर,मक्खी,के काटने से)
Injury to animal like cuts and wounds-(घाव होने पर )
Environmental changes-(वातावरण में बदलाव)

Packing availability- 1% w/v-10ml vial, 50 ml vial. 

Dose-Given to animal( cows, Buffalo ,goat,camel) (गाय,भैस,बकरी,उँट  के लिए) through parentral route (subcutaneous route only, do not given by intramuscular and intravenous route)-
It should be injected "0.5mg per kg to cattle or 4ml to young cattle

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